Breuss maintained that cancer, whenever it occurs in the body, feeds and grows from protein. He therefore deduced that if one fasted for what has now been confirmed as an ideal period of 42 days, during which various herbal teas and juices are taken to detoxify, cleanse and eliminate, the cancer would starve, be absorbed and subsequently pass out of the body one way or another.
Radical thinking that flew in the face of the accepted medical wisdom, but is now used all over the world and known as the Breuss Total Cancer Treatment.
Raw fruit and vegetable juices have always been used and recommended in natural medicine as part of the healing system for many ailments and chronic complaints. Raw juices contain antioxidants and living enzymes that science has identified as an imperative part of everyone’s diet if they wish to stay healthy and maintain a defense against all the toxins of today’s environment.
It is against this backdrop that Rudolf Breuss developed his Total Cancer Treatment, utilising the therapeutic properties of vegetable juices and herbal teas that have been implicated in the cure of many types of cancer.
Breuss developed a specific mixture of organically grown carrot, beetroot, celery, Chinese radish and potato worked wonders on his patients. His mixture provided, in liquid form, all of the minerals and vitamins required by the body during the 42 day fast, whilst the body’s own resources are used in dealing with the diseased tissue.
Testimonial after testimonial confirmed that his treatment worked.
The same blend of the juice is used in all manners of diseases, taken for a lesser period of time or with food, depending on the severity of the condition. Breuss’s book outlines cures for a variety of ailments – serious and those not so serious.
Bruess Cancer Studies
Various cancers, leukaemia and prostate disorders – even hay fever and infertility – have a cure according to Breuss!
When it got to the stage that Breuss could no longer cope with the huge demands of sufferers on his time, he retired. In order that his methods should continue to be available he put his life’s work into a book which was published first in German and subsequently in French, Italian, Serbo Croat and English. Sales of the book now exceed 900,000 worldwide.
It is easy to see why Hilde Hemmes was so inspired when she heard his story. “Rudolf Breuss was a shining example of what a natural healer should be and he has been an inspiration to me. I have tried his six day vegetable and herbal tea cleansing diet and recommend that everyone should give their bodies a rest every six months. I felt absolutely fantastic and re-energised” said
The Breuss-Cure, which originated in Germany, lasts for 6 weeks.
A maximum of 500ml of freshly pressed vegetable juices is used, mainly beetroot with some carrot, celery and radish. In addition, herbal teas and onion broth are recommended. The treatment is claimed to have cured thousands.
The book, The Breuss Cancer Cure, details the Breuss diet. It has sold over 900,000 copies, been translated into five languages, and claims to have led to over 45,000 testimonials from cured sufferers. Both the book and the diet are still actively being used.
The Breuss diet is based on a 42 -day fast, but the definition of “fast” used in the Breuss diet actually includes certain types of foods, such as raw fruits and vegetable juices, all taken in liquid form. The theory is that cancer cells can only live on the protein of solid food.
Therefore, if you drink nothing but vegetable juice and teas for 42 days the cancerous cells die while the normal cells continue to thrive.
“Breuss juice vegetable juice that consists of 55% red beet root, 20% carrots, 20% celery root, 3% raw potato, 2% radishes … The potato is optional except for liver cancer where it plays an important part.” His book actually talks about multiple diseases.
The diet contains virtually zero glucose and other sugars. Researchers also believe it works because cancer cells are very inefficient at processing glucose and other sugars and that the formula literally starves the cancer cells to death by depriving them of glucose and other sugars.
Normal cells can survive on much less glucose and other sugars because they are much more efficient at processing these items.
Filtered green tea and filtered Essiac tea have been natural enhancements to the Breuss diet.
Rudolf Breuss was a healer from Austria, an educated man who had an incredible understanding of, and love for, his fellow human beings. Born in 1899, he turned his attention to finding an alternative and more gentle treatment for cancer and other diseases than that offered by conventional medicine. It was a simple German book written over 300 years previously that expounded the value and use of fruit and vegetable juices which was to capture his attention and direct his work for the rest of his life.
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