Herbal cancer therapy comprises a number of alternative treatments in the fight against cancer. As early as more than 3,000 years ago, Chinese doctors had used herbs in treatment of cancer patients. Chinese medicine has been used widely in Japan, Korea, India, and South East Asia countries since long time ago.
According to the reliability of therapeutic effects, Chinese medicinal herbs divide into 3 main categories. The first is the Classical Medicinal Herbs, including approximate 265 kinds of medicinal herbs and plants and a few of medicinal minerals that have been identified by scientific works and proven by clinic studies.
The second is the folk herbs (folk experienced recipe herbs) that have approximately 600 sorts of herbs.
The third is the hi-tech made herbal medicines, the concentrated herbal extract, which is 5 to 10-fold more effective than their raw materials. From the modality of administration of herbal medication, anti-cancer herbal medicines are herein classified into 3 groups, including take by mouth, topical use and injectable preparations (not available at our HCC and HMC).
Since 1990, a research group of hi-tech herbal medicine directed by Dr. David Liu has conducted many studies on herbal treatments in chronic diseases and tumors. We have screened all of 66 sorts of anti-cancer medicinal herbs using our unique techniques, including identify and analysis of ester-soluble active ingredients, ethanol-soluble active ingredients and hydrate-soluble active ingredients in each potential anti-cancer medicinal herb or plant.
Chinese Herbal Medicine Cancer Treatment Studies
Since 1990, a research group of hi-tech herbal medicine directed by Dr. David Liu has conducted many studies on herbal treatments in chronic diseases and tumors. We have screened all of 66 sorts of anti-cancer medicinal herbs using our unique techniques, including identify and analysis of ester-soluble active ingredients, ethanol-soluble active ingredients and hydrate-soluble active ingredients in each potential anti-cancer medicinal herb or plant.
We have demonstrated that LDL-110 anti-cancer herbal active ingredient is 6-fold powerful than chemotherapy drug mitomycin in killing 14 types of human cancer cell lines in tissue culture, including 3 types of breast cancer and cancer of prostate, 4 types of lymphoma, 2 types of leukemia and melanoma, and 2 types of colorectal carcinoma.
Furthermore, clinic studies have shown LPY-80 herbal capsule is a high potent broad-spectrum anti-leukemia and lymphoma herbal remedy. More importantly, both LDL-110 anti-cancer herbal capsules and LPY-80 anti- leukemia lymphoma herbal capsules are convenient and safe to patients, they are available in capsules which are taken by mouth and are free of side-effects if clients follow the service directions.
The below descriptions are commonly used Chinese anti-cancer herbs that have been investigated, identified, tested, and clinically proven in over hundred thousand patients every year in China. These herbs are allowed to be used as herbal supplements in the USA.
One should understand that a single herb or a single herbal extract may only give little anti-cancer therapeutic effect when it is used alone. However, when several herbs or herbal extracts scientifically formulated together will result in highly effective anti-cancer recipe and the side-effects of the formulated herbs would be attenuated, minimized or neutralized.
For example, when Glossy Privet fruit is used alone, it may give about 20 to 30% anti-cancer efficacy in some patients with leukemia or lymphoma. However, our experience indicated that Glossy Privet fruit combines with Milkvetch root herb and others that may attain 90% anti-cancer efficacy and brings about 10% side-effects.
Ligustrum lucidum: Glossy Privet Fruit (Nu Zhen Zi)
Ligustrum lucidum has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over 1,000 years. The fruit is antibacterial, antiseptic, anti-tumor, cardiotonic, diuretic and tonic.
It is taken internally in the treatment of complaints associated with weak kidney and liver energy such as menopausal problems (especially premature menopause), blurred vision, cataracts, tinnitus, rheumatic pains, palpitations, backache and insomnia.
Modern research has shown that the plant increases the white blood cell count and is of value when used to prevent bone marrow loss in cancer chemotherapy patients, it also has potential in the treatment of AIDS.
Extracts of the plant show anti-tumor activity. Good results have also been achieved when the fruit has been used in treating respiratory tract infections, hypertension, Parkinson’s disease and hepatitis.
The fruit is harvested when fully ripe and is dried for later use.
It is often decocted with other herbs in the treatment of a wide variety of ailments and also as a general tonic.
Milk Vetch, Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus)
Milk Vetch has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years, often in combination with other herbs, to strengthen the body against disease. It contains antioxidants, which protect cells against damage caused by free radicals, by products of cellular energy.
Astragalus is used to protect and support the immune system, for preventing colds and upper respiratory infections, to lower blood pressure, to treat diabetes, and to protect the liver.
Astragalus has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and diuretic (helps eliminate fluid from the body) properties. It is sometimes used topically for wounds. In addition, studies have shown that astragalus has antiviral properties and stimulates the immune system, suggesting that it is indeed effective at preventing colds.
In the United States, researchers have investigated astragalus as a possible treatment for people whose immune systems have been compromised by chemotherapy or radiation.
In these studies, astragalus supplements have been shown to speed recovery and extend life expectancy. Research on using astragalus for people with AIDS has produced inconclusive results.
Recent research in China indicates that astragalus may offer antioxidant benefits to people with severe forms of heart disease, relieving symptoms and improving heart function.
Brucea Fruit (Yaw Dan Zi)
Brucea fruit is the fruit of Brucea javanica distributed mainly in Guangdong, Guangxi and Fujian province, also in Taiwan. It is collected in autumn. Brucea fruit extract is used in the treatment of carcinomas of the uterine cervix, rectum, anus, esophageus, liver, breast, lung, skin, colon, and thyroid. For carcinomas of the digestive tract and skin, 10% Brucea fruit extract injection preparation is used in China, but not in the USA. It kills tumor cells when it is topically applied. Brucea fruit is also used in the treatment of dysentery, chronic diarrhoea, malaria, dermatitis, eczema, and flat condyloma in skin.
Dr. David Liu’s comment: This herbal extract should not be applied onto the area of around eyes, mouth, lip and genital organs where will cause severe swollen, edema, pain and allergic reaction. Psoralea Fruit (Bu Gu Zhi)
Psoralea grows in China, India, Iran, Nepal, Vietnam, and others. Psoralea fruits are collected in autumn when they are ripe, dried in the sun. Psoralea fruit is a valued Chinese medicinal herb as a tonic remedy and a general vitality herb. This herb extract can dilate the coronary artery of heart and increase blood flow to the heart. It can excite the heart, increase cardiac output. The ethanol soluble preparation of this herb has a light-sensitizing effect (the active ingredient is called Psoralen); therefore, it can be taken internally or used topically. Psoralen and Bakuchiol have anti-nidation and weak oestrogen-like effects.
Special attention should be paid to clients who have taken Psoralea fruit extract they may have more pigmentation in skin or eye hurts when he or she is exposed to sunlight.
Dr. David Liu’ Comment: I personally use Psoralea fruit extract in the treatment of heart failure, coronary heart disease, leukoderma, urine bladder atonia, prostatitis, and night bed-wetting.
Seeds of this herb contain psoralen which is a photosensitizer. Psoralen damages to membrane of normal cells and tumor cells. Psoralen also binds to DNA of cells that induce apoptosis and death of both normal cells, diseased cells and tumor cells. Psoralea fruit extract is also used in the treatment of psoriasis and other skin diseases.
See also “Chinese TCM Parasite Cleanse” in cleanse menu above
You can obtain these herbs from your local Chinese Medicine Supplier. The herbs mentioned herein are available as a dried Chinese herb that can be brewed in the traditional manner in tea, to extract the amazing anti-cancer molecules.
A Dr Hulda Clark Professional Zapper is also an amazing companion to Chinese Herbal Medicine
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