Dr Joanna Budwigs Flaxseed Oil and Cottage Cheese diet
The basis of Dr. Budwig’s program is simply the use of flaxseed oil blended with low fat cottage cheese (FOCC).
Dr. Budwig states in her book, Flax Oil As a True Aid Against Arthritis Heart Infarction Cancer and Other Diseases: “I often take very sick cancer patients away from hospital where they are said to have only a few days left to live, or perhaps only a few hours.
This is mostly accompanied by very good results…in the hospital it was said that they could no longer urinate or produce bowel movements. They suffered from dry coughing without being able to bring up any mucous. Everything was blocked. It greatly encourages them when suddenly the fats with their wealth of electrons, start reactivating the vital functions and the patient immediately begins to feel better.”
After three decades of research Dr. Budwig, a six-time Nobel Prize nominee, found that the blood of seriously ill cancer patients was always, without exception, deficient in certain important essential ingredients such as phosphatides and lipoproteins. (The blood of a healthy person always contains sufficient quantities of these essential ingredients. However, without these natural ingredients cancer cells grow wild and out of control.)

Blood analysis showed a strange greenish-yellow substance in place of the healthy red oxygen carrying haemoglobin that belongs there. This explained why cancer patients weaken and become anemic. This startling discovery led Dr. Budwig to test her theory.
She found that when these natural ingredients were replaced over approximately a three month period, tumors gradually receded. The strange greenish elements in the blood were replaced with healthy red blood cells as the phosphatides and lipoproteins almost miraculously reappeared. Weakness and anemia disappeared and life energy was restored. In symptoms of cancer, liver dysfunction and diabetes were completely alleviated.
Dr. Budwig then discovered an all-natural way for people to replace those essential ingredients in their bodies. These two natural foods, organic flax seed oil & cottage cheese) must be eaten together to be effective since one triggers the properties of the other to be released.
In the mid 1950’s, Dr. Budwig began her long and meticulous research on the importance of essential fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic) in the diet. Her subsequent discoveries and announcements sparked mixed reactions. While the general public was eager for this information, German manufacturers of commercial dietary fats (margarine, hard shortening, vegetable oils) went to extremes to prevent her from publishing her findings.
Dr. Budwig preached against the use of what she calls “pseudo” fats. In order to extend the shelf life of their products, manufacturers use chemical processes that render their food products harmful to the body. These harmful fats go by a number of names, including “hydrogenated,” “partially hydrogenated” and even “polyunsaturated.”
The chemical processing of fats destroys the vital electron cloud within the fat. Once the electrons have been removed, these fats can no longer bind with oxygen, and they actually become a harmful substance deposited within the body. The heart, for instance, rejects these fats and they end up as inorganic fatty deposits on the heart muscle itself.
Chemically processed fats are not water-soluble when bound to protein. They end up blocking circulation, damage heart action, inhibit cell renewal, and impede the free flow of blood and lymph fluids. The bio-electrical action in these areas slows down and may become completely paralyzed. The entire organism shows a measurable loss of electrical energy which is replenished only by adding active lipids to the diet. These nutritional fats are vital.
Science has proven that fats play an important role in the functioning of the entire body. Fats (lipids) are vital for all growth processing, renewal of cells, brain and nerve functions, even for the sensory organs (eyes and ears), and for the body’s adjustment to heat, cold and quick temperature changes. Our energy resources are based on lipid metabolism. To function efficiently, cells require true polyunsaturated, live electron-rich lipids, present in abundance in raw flaxseed oil. True polyunsaturated fats greedily absorb proteins and oxygen and pump them through the system.
Lipids are only water-soluble and free-flowing when bound to protein; thus the importance of protein-rich cottage cheese. When high quality, electron-rich fats are combined with proteins, the electrons are protected until the body requires energy. This energy source is then fully and immediately available to the body on demand, as nature intended.
“What Dr. Johanna Budwig has demonstrated to my initial disbelief but lately, to my complete satisfaction in my practice is: CANCER IS EASILY CURABLE, the treatment is dietary/lifestyle, the response is immediate; the cancer cell is weak and vulnerable; the precise biochemical breakdown point was identified by her in 1951 and is specifically correctable, in vitro (test-tube) as well as in vivo (real)…” stated Dr. Roehm, an oncologist, in the Townsend Letter for Doctors, July 1990. Dr. Roehm further claimed: “… this diet is far and away the most successful anti-cancer diet in the world”.
General Rules
The patient has no nourishment on day #1 other than 250 ml (8.5oz) of Flax Oil with honey plus freshly squeezed fruit juices (no sugar added*). In the case of a very ill person, champagne may be added on the first day in place of juice and is taken with the Flax Oil and honey. Champagne is easily absorbable and has a serious purpose here.
1. Sugar Is Absolutely Forbidden. Grape juice may be added to sweeten any other freshly squeezed juices.
2. Other ‘forbiddens’ are:
• All animal fats.
• All Salad Oils (this included commercial mayonnaise)
• All Meats (chemicals & hormones)
• Butter
• Margarine
• Preserved Meats (the preservatives block metabolism even of Flax Oil)
3. Freshly squeezed vegetable juices are fine – carrot, celery, apple, and red beet.
4. Three times daily a warm tea is essential – peppermint, rose hips or grape tea –
Daily Plan:
* Before breakfast – a glass of Acidophilus milk or Sauerkraut juice is taken.
* Breakfast – Muesli (regular cereal) is overlaid with 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of Flax Oil and honey and fresh fruit according to season – berries, cherries, apricots, peaches, grated apple. Vary the flavor from day to day. Use any nuts except peanuts* Herbal teas as desired or black tea. A 4 oz (120g) serving of ‘The Spread’ (directions below). This is fine to eat ‘straight’ like a custard, or add it to other foods taken in the day as you will see.
* Morning tea (10am) – A glass of fresh carrot juice, apple, celery, or beet-apple juice is taken.
* Lunch – Raw salad with yoghurt-Flax Oil Mayonnaise (directions below).
* In addition to ‘greens’ salads, use grated turnips, carrots, kohlrabi, radishes, sauerkraut, or cauliflower. A fine powder of horseradish, chives, or parsley may be added for flavor.
* Cooked Meal Course – Steamed vegetables, potatoes, or such grains as rice, buckwheat, or millet may be served. To these add either ‘The Spread’ (See below) or ‘The Mayo’ (See below) – for flavor and to up your intake of Flax Oil. Also, mix ‘The Spread’ with potatoes for an especially hearty meal. Add caraway, chives, parsley, or other herbs.
* Dessert – Mix fresh fruit other than those used for breakfast with ‘The Spread’, this time (instead of honey), flavored using cream of lemon, vanilla, or berries.
* Afternoon Tea (4pm) – A small glass of natural wine (no preservatives) or champagne or fresh fruit juice with 1-2 tablespoons of honey-coated Flax Seeds.
* Supper – Have this early, at 6pm. Make a hot meal using buckwheat, oat or soy cakes. Grits from buckwheat are the very best and can be placed in a vegetable soup, or in a more solid form of cakes with herbal sauce. Sweet sauces & soups can always be given far more healing energy by adding ‘The Spread’. Only honey or grape juice can be used for sweeteners. NO white sugar (or brown*) Only freshly squeezed juices and NOT reconstituted juices (preservative danger) may be used. These must be completely natural.
How to prepare ‘The Spread’:
Place 250 ml (8.5 oz) flaxseed oil into a mixer bowl and add one pound (450 g) of 1% cottage cheese (i.e. low fat, for example Quark) and add 4 tablespoons (60 ml) of Honey.
Turn on the mixer and add just enough low fat milk or water to get the contents of the bowl to blend in together. In 5 minutes, a preparation of custard consistency results that has NO taste of the oil (and no oily ‘ring’ should be seen when you rinse out the bowl). Alternatively, you can use yoghurt instead of cottage cheese in proportions of 1 oz (30 g) of yoghurt to 1 tablespoon (15 ml) each of flaxseed oil and of honey and blend as above.
Note: When flaxseed oil is blended like this, it does not cause diarrhoea even when given in large amounts. It reacts chemically with the (sulphur) proteins of the cottage cheese, yoghurt, etc.
How to prepare ‘The Mayo’ (Mayonnaise):
1. Mix together 2 tablespoons (30 ml) flaxseed Oil, 2 tablespoons (30 ml) milk, and 2 tablespoons (30 ml) yoghurt.
2. Then add 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of lemon juice (or apple cider vinegar) and add 1 teaspoon (2.5g) mustard plus some herbs such as marjoram or dill.
3. Next, add 2 or 3 slices of health food store pickles (no preservatives! – read label!) and a pinch of herbal salts.
Flaxseed oil is readily denatured by oxygen, heat, and light. That’s why it is used in paint. Rancid oil is bad for health, so oil MUST be carefully produced, packed under nitrogen in lightproof containers, refrigerated until used, used as fresh as possible, and stabilized with protein (The Spread, etc) promptly once the container is opened.
Flaxseeds may also be used. Seeds need only be cracked in a food blender, or they may be ground in a coffee grinder. One needs three times the amount of seeds to get the oil equivalent. Seeds are high in calories, so one may gain weight. The seeds are also high in soluble fibre, so blending with liquid tends to produce ever-hardening “jellies”. Fresh-cracked seed sprinkled on muesli & eaten promptly tastes great.
Combine a Dr Budwig diet with a Dr Clark Zapper for amazing
Supplement all Dr Clark Diet Programs with a Dr Clark Professional Zapper for amazing results
(1) Advanced Frequency Generator: Zapper Digital ULTRA
(2) Professional Clinic Model: Zapper Digital Professional: (Based on Dr Clark’s Clinic Model)
Use only Frequency Generator Digital Zappers, that have more power than the conventional Zapper and are the “Digital type Zapper” specifically outlined on page 502 in “Cure for all diseases”. Run a 10 frequency comprehensive parasite set on the Zapper Digital Professional model in order to target the various parasitic pathogens, who live in these particular frequency ranges.
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