Your supplements have been divided into manageable “packages”; every day some new ones are added to those you are already taking. You will be on the full program in about a week. By then your body will be sufficiently cleared of toxins to begin “tumor drainage.” This takes up the second week. In the third week, the body is cleaned up again to start the actual shrinkage, Tumors that can be seen or felt are given a topical treatment, too. Many persons can consume these dosages easily. But if your frame is small, your appetite poor and there is no room for supplements, just do the best you can. Caution: The dosages recommended here are for cancer patients only, and then only for 3 weeks. DO NOT use this cancer curing program to PREVENT cancer or for other diseases. I have not evaluated these dosages when taken for a prolonged period of time.
Dr Hulda Clark, 21 Day Cancer Cure Recipe from Dr Clark’s Book
Day 1
1. Kill all your parasites in a single day. This includes mopping-up after tapeworm stages, flukes, and Ascaris worms.
· 2 tsp. green black walnut hull tincture extra strength
· 9 capsules cloves (500 mg each)
· 9 capsules wormwood (200 to 300 mg each)
Mix the tincture with fruit juice (hand squeezed) or filtered water and spoon it down carefully or sip slowly. You may add honey and cinnamon. Don’t let it stand after mixing, it begins to lose its potency after twenty minutes. Keep the stock bottle refrigerated. Take the capsules afterward, one at a time.
You may take these later in the day if you wish. Keep a bit of bread nearby, to swallow if a capsule sticks. If you have stomach cancer or liver cancer, the alcohol could be harmful. There are some powdered black walnut hull capsules on the market, but beware! Some have no potency, while others are extremely potent. Ones I have tested are listed in Sources along with the number of capsules to be taken.
Later in the day, when you are comfortable, mop up after shielded parasites and viruses that still survive. Use cysteine and ozonated olive oil.
· L-cysteine 500 mg, take two capsules, twice within ½ hour. You may snip open and empty capsules into broth or other tart beverage (like lemonade). This avoids tummy twinges from the undissolved crystals. Stay seated until side effects wear off (a half hour). Do not drive a car.
· Add 4 drops HCl (5%) to a cup of olive oil. Ozonate for 25 minutes, using a ceramic or wooden aerator. Then cap tightly and store in freezer until used. If it will be used the
same day, store in refrigerator. Take 1 tbs. at least 5 hours after the cysteine. If you take it sooner, it will undo some of the benefit of cysteine. It is quite palatable mixed with mashed potatoes or pasta. Do not gulp it straight since this could give you nausea.
If you do not have cysteine yet, take the ozonated oil anyway. If you do not have an ozonator to make ozonated oil, take the cysteine anyway. Catch up as missing ingredients arrive. Repeat the whole parasite program daily.
The amount of black walnut tincture extra strength may be increased to 10 tsp. if there are only days remaining, especially for brain and bone marrow cancers which are hard to reach. You may take it in 2 tsp. doses five times in a half hour or all at once. Another effective schedule is 8 tsp. followed by a one hour rest, then another 8 tsp. Choose what is easiest for you. Only 9 capsules of cloves and wormwood are needed, though. Try to avoid nausea by eating bits of bread afterward, with a drop or two of sterilized mint oil. You might wonder why there is a need for repeat treatments at all if these doses are truly effective. The explanation is that parasites tightly encased inside a tumor with little circulation are very hard to reach. They continually emerge to reinfect the body and must be promptly killed.
2. Use a Frequency Generator like Zapper Digital every day set it to the Cancer Frequencies in the CAFL book. This will gradually remove ferritin from your white blood cells. It also brings North pole magnetic fields into your body which remove lanthanide metals, besides outright killing of parasites and bacteria. Use Zapper Digital more often if extremely ill.
3. Start your dental work. If you have only weeks left, but can sit in a dentist’s chair, take the first appointment available and have all your teeth with metal or plastic fillings extracted. You do not have time to wait for the tedious task of cleaning up teeth that have small fillings. Do not waste a day deliberating over any teeth! You may request general anesthesia if the dental surgeon agrees.
Be sure to clean out cavitations that can be seen on Xrays. Hidden cavitations can be cleaned up later. [Note: If your red blood cell count is 3.2 or less, you should request a transfusion first, to make up for the minor blood loss during extraction. You should also be off any blood thinner and not use aspirin for pain the day before and during dental work. If your platelet count is below 10,000, you should request a dose of platelets first to protect you
If you have more than three weeks remaining, take the first appointment available to extract all teeth with large metal or plastic fillings, and teeth that are capped, or have root canals. After healing for five days to let the gums close, get a digital X-ray exam of the front teeth. Plastic fillings can be identified and drilled out. Your recovery now depends on perfection practiced by your dentist; the tiniest speck of plastic remaining will still show its poisonous effect on your next blood test and will prevent recovery (high LDH, alkaline phosphatase, globulin, low iron). Leave the fresh cavities open until the blood test results have become normal. Keep them sanitary by brushing after eating with colloidal silver and oregano oil. Rinse your mouth at bedtime with dental bleach, for one month. Start the Dental Aftercare program carefully and meticulously, on the same day as the dental work.
4. Treat all your essential medications as if they were contaminated by dyes, benzene, and isopropyl alcohol. Treat them as described in the Safer Painkillers section
5. Start your tumor shrinking diet. Choose malonate-free foods. Remove asbestos, dyes, lanthanides all together with 2 hot water soaks separated by a 10 minute cooling. Sterilize everything afterward except water. Every food is given a few drops of hydrochloric acid (5%, USP) after serving on your plate; stir in well. Total drops of hydrochloric acid added not to exceed 45 drops daily, not counting those used in kitchen preparation.
6. Throw away all your cosmetics, lotions, salves, deodorant, shaving supplies, shampoos, hair dyes, eye liner, soap, mouthwash, toothpaste, nail polish, absolutely everything
that goes on or in your body. Switch to wholistic Dr Clark recipes. More are given in “The Cure For All Cancers.” Take a shower and shampoo the chemicals out of your hair with borax and citric acid. Do not use a hair blower and keep very warm by dressing in extra clothes.
You may use a henna variety of hair dye. If your hair is already dyed, wash in dental bleach for 5 minutes. This will not affect color. Rinse with citric acid. Launder clothing in straight borax. Bleach all clothing once to get out azo dyes and the metal germanium. Toxins, except for hair dye, will leave your body in the first week. But toxins inside your tumors are marooned and require a special seven day program which begins in the second week.
7. Start glutathione, 500 mg; take two, three times a day, to be completed before supper time to avoid having too much energy at bed time. Take them before meals so it can act on the tumorous organ as a reducer. If you are bedridden, double this dose. If only days remain, take thirty capsules daily. Take all at once stirred into honey or maple syrup (each treated with HCl first to sterilize). If this causes diarrhea, take with food in several doses.
8. Start Lugol’s iodine. Take six drops in ½ glass of water at the end of each meal (three times a day). Take it at bedtime, too, if bloating is present. No HCl needed.
9. Start thyroid: one grain in the morning upon rising. Increase to two grains in the morning after that. If you were on a thyroid medication previously, be sure to come up to at least that dosage. (A pharmacist can help you convert your brand to grains). Remember to treat tablets with vitamin B2.
10. Schedule blood test (SMAC 24: must include serum iron) and scan
11. Set kidney herbs to soak overnight per recipe
12. Do the same for liver herbs
You have accomplished a lot. You will probably feel better tomorrow. If you had to omit some instructions then day one instructions have the highest priority.
On each day more supplements will be added. Do not stop taking those that were scheduled on previous days.
Day 1 At A Glance
Before breakfast 2 tsp. black walnut tincture extra strength, 9 wormwood capsules, 9 clove capsules, 2 glutathione (500 mg each), thyroid (one grain).
Breakfast follow guidelines so it is malonate-free, sterilized, dye-free, asbestos-free, etc. Finish with Lugol’s (six drops) in ½ cup water. (No HCl.)
Midmorning make dental appointment. Schedule blood tests. Zap with Zapper Digital when convenient. “Clean” up all essential medications. Throw out all commercial body products.
Before lunch 2 glutathione (500 mg each)
After lunch Finish with Lugol’s (six drops) in ½ cup water.
Afternoon 4 cysteine (500 mg each). Ozonate some sterilized olive oil 25 minutes to take later. Launder with borax and bleach all your clothes and bedclothes.
Before supper 2 glutathione (500 mg each)
After supper Finish with Lugol’s (six drops) in ½ cup water. Set to soak kidney herbs and liver herbs. Bedtime 1 tbs. ozonated olive oil with food
Day 2
Capsules of supplements may be emptied, mixing all together in a closeable container; then taking one third with each meal. We will call such a mixture “vitamix.” Supplements that are particularly bad tasting should be flavored. It is important not to feel revulsion toward your supplements. You may use the spicelike supplements (fennel, turmeric, beet cocktail, oregano oil, wintergreen oil) to mask the bad tasting ones (shark cartilage,
MSM, papain, DMSO and others).
1. Start kidney herb recipe (1¼ cups a day) and liver herbs (2 cups a day). This will improve kidney and liver function so toxins can be detoxified and flushed out rapidly. Leave
out the magnesium because there are separate instructions below. Stir two drops hydrochloric acid into each cup at time of drinking.
2. Coenzyme Q10, 400 mg, take ten in the morning, upon rising, before or after the thyroid pill. Repeat this high dose on Day 7 through Day 14, and on Day 19. On other days take one capsule daily. This will begin to destroy the azo dyes accumulated in the spleen and body fat, particularly Sudan IV, DAB, and Sudan Black B. You may snip open the capsules and mix powder with straight honey or put powder directly in mouth. Take it 5 hours away from the reducers cysteine, glutathione, and vitamin C; that is why early morning is best.
3. Start vitamin B2 and magnesium. Take two B2 (300 mg each) capsules and one magnesium oxide capsule (300mg) three times a day. This will destroy the benzene and phenol that has accumulated in your spleen and body fat as well as helping to detoxify azo dyes there.
4. Betaine hydrochloride (about 300 mg), take three, three times a day with meals. This kills Clostridium in the colon.
5. Start vitamin B12, 1000 mcg, take two, three times a day, at mealtime. This vitamin hatches Ascaris eggs; make sure you have already taken cysteine and ozonated oil previously, have zapped with zapper digital and are adding HCl to each food. If not, postpone this.
6. Vitamin C, 2000 mg (same as 2 gm, or ½ teaspoon), three times a day. No “mineral ascorbates” or other vitamin C like products due to toxic oxidation by-products. You may take more.
7. Organic Chicken broth, one pint a day alternating with shark cartilage , two tablespoons or more a day. Each beverage will receive two drops of hydrochloric acid before consuming.
8. Start bromelain or papain, four 1000 mg capsules, twice a day. If extremely ill use both. This will digest and clear the ferritin coating on your white blood cells to recover immunity. Take well before meals
9. Turmeric and fennel. Take six capsules (or one teaspoon) of each, three times a day. Don’t mix with food like I recommend for other supplements because these are so flavorful they will overpower your food. You may mix them with sweetened water if you wish. Sterilize with 2 drops HCl for each.
10. If you have tumors you can see or feel, use the Topical Tumor Shrinker recipe.
Day 2 At A Glance
Before breakfast Ten coenzyme Q10 (400 mg). Repeat parasite program, 2 tsp. black walnut tincture extra strength, 9 wormwood capsules, 9 clove capsules. Thyroid (two grains).
Open six glutathione capsules, six 300 mg B2 capsules, three 300 mg magnesium oxide capsules, nine 300 mg (approximately) betaine hydrochloride capsules, and six 1000
mcg vitamin B12 capsules to make today’s vitamix. (You could leave this all in capsules or tablets and take separately, but we find this is a lot easier, even though a few bites of your meal won’t taste as good.) Take 1 tsp. bromelain or 1 tsp. papain stirred into a beverage to make a “cocktail” (they may also be encapsulated). Use both if very ill. Sterilize all concoctions as well as food.
Breakfast Take 2 gm vitamin C. Mix a third of your vitamix with part of your breakfast and gulp down. Distribute 15 drops of hydrochloric acid in your foods and beverages. Take six fennel capsules and six turmeric capsules. Finish meal with Lugol’s (six drops).
Midmorning Make kidney herb recipe (sip 1¼ cups throughout day). Make liver herbs (sip 2 cups throughout day). Add 2 drops hydrochloric acid to each cup. Zap with Zapper Digital when convenient.
Lunch Take 2 gm vitamin C, another third of your vitamix, 15 drops of hydrochloric acid in your food. Take 6 fennel and 6 turmeric capsules. Take six drops Lugol’s after meal.
Afternoon Repeat mop-up, 4 cysteine (500 mg each). Make a big pot of Organic Chicken broth and freeze all except today’s portion. 1 tsp. bromelain or papain or both if very ill.
Supper Supper should include Organic Chicken soup, at least one pint. Take 2 gm vitamin C and the final third of your vitamix, 15 drops of hydrochloric acid in your food. Take six fennel capsules and six turmeric capsules. Take six drops Lugol’s after meal.
Bedtime Finish mop-up, 1 tbs. ozonated sterilized olive oil. Apply topical tumor shrinker if you have tumors you can see or feel.
Critical Blood Tests
If you got your blood tested on the first day, you can expect your results on day two or three, because laboratories only take 24 hours. If you haven’t been
notified of your results by now, call your doctor and ask that they be read or faxed to you. You may be feeling quite well but any result outside the normal range should get immediate attention.
As soon as they arrive, review them yourself. It is the custom in the American medical community not to share these results, not to explain them, and in fact, to minimize testing. I believe all this is intended to avoid embarrassing questions by the patient such as, “Why didn’t I improve?” or “Why is my LDH so high?” With this attitude, liver enzymes, serum iron and even the LDH are often omitted completely by physicians (make sure to request them). As soon as you have results, find the ones that are too high or too low, and take appropriate action as described in the chapter Reading Your Blood Test Results.
Day 3
1. Start folic acid, 25 mg per day (that is 25 one milligram or 0.9 mg capsules). You may have been on chemotherapy that used anti-folate compounds. Their purpose was to kill your cancer cells. If you are now considered a terminally ill cancer patient, you may agree that such clinical treatments failed for you and are not worth pursuing at this point. My approach is the opposite—we will shrink the tumors and rehabilitate the nearby tumor-like tissue, letting the body select those cells it will digest. You should decide to cease anti-folate chemotherapy if you plan to use folic acid.
2. Raw beet juice, 2 Tbs. before each meal. Add 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon vinegar as desired. This reduces phenol formation during digestion. Sweeten with natural organic honey and dilute to taste. You may add other supplements like organic multivitamins.
3. Niacin, a pinch, three times a day, with meals. (If you take too much, you may experience the “niacin flush”, a
sensation of heat and red itchy skin followed by chills. It lasts about 20 minutes and is harmless.)
4. Vitamin A (retinyl palmitate or retinyl acetate) comes as tablets and liquids, in various strengths. You need 100,000 units daily. This will cause a mild hypervitaminosis A (too much vitamin A) in three weeks even if accompanied by vitamin E. Expect a rash, headache, itchy skin, peeling or flaking, loss of numerous skin blemishes and warts. If symptoms appear, go off for 3 days, resume again and repeat. Put drops directly in mouth, tablets may be crushed for the vitamix if that is more convenient. Do not exceed this dose or length of time without a doctor’s supervision.
5. Vitamin E. Take about 100 IU if not already included with vitamin A.
6. Start powdered hydrangea root, 1 tsp. two times a day to supply good germanium.
7. Measure your daily urine output. Get a gallon jug, fill with 2½ quarts or liters of water, mark the outside, and empty it again. You may also need a plastic funnel, and a pint container for collection. Catch all urine for 24 hours. If it doesn’t reach the 2½ quart/liter mark, start over and drink more liquids. High volumes are needed to expel asbestos and freon. Check urinary pH upon rising in the morning. Keep notes.
8. Begin daily enemas (alternate Lugol’s and black walnut tincture extra strength). If you have pain, you may use a coffee enema (filtered coffee only). These reduce bacteria levels in the bowel. Take one a day (two if very ill) using 1 pint liquid each time. Before breakfast One coenzyme Q10 (400 mg). Repeat parasite program, 2 tsp. black walnut tincture extra strength, 9 wormwood capsules, 9 clove capsules. Take thyroid (two grains), vitamin A (100,000 units), and vitamin E (100 IU). Open six glutathione capsules, six B2 capsules, three magnesium oxide capsules, nine betaine hydrochloride capsules, six vitamin B12 capsules, 25 1 mg folic acid capsules, and 3/16 tsp. of niacin to make today’s vitamix. Mix 1 tsp. bromelain or papain and 1 tsp. powdered hydrangea root and 1 Tbs. shark cartilage and 1 fennel capsule with ½ cup water, pinch of B2, 4 drops HCl and sweetening. Drink promptly.
Breakfast Take 2 gm vitamin C. Mix a third of your vitamix with part of your breakfast and gulp down. Add 15 drops of hydrochloric acid to your food, putting 3 drops n each food and beverage, except water and Lugol’s. Take 5 fennel capsules and 6 turmeric capsules. Finish with Lugol’s (six drops). Midmorning Prepare the kidney herb concoction (1¼ cups) to sip throughout the day. Pour 2 cups of liver herbs to sip, too (can be combined with kidney herbs for convenience). Make a pint or more of beet juice from the recipe. Use Digital Zapper for a few hours when convenient. Start collecting urine.
Lunch Take 2 gm vitamin C. Mix a third of your vitamix, 15 drops of hydrochloric acid in your food, 2 Tbs. beet juice, six fennel capsules, six turmeric capsules, six drops Lugol’s afterward. Afternoon Repeat mop-up, 4 cysteine (500 mg each). Mix 1 tsp. bromelain or papain and 1 tsp. powdered hydrangea root and 1 Tbs. shark cartilage and 1 fennel capsule with ½ cup water, pinch of B2, 4 drops HCl and sweetening. Drink promptly. Supper Take 2 gm vitamin C. Add the final third of your vitamix, 15 drops of hydrochloric acid to your food, 2 Tbs. beet juice, six fennel capsules, six turmeric capsules, six drops Lugol’s after meal.
Bedtime Finish mop-up, 1 tbs. ozonated olive oil. Do an enema.
Day 4
1. Calcium, 500 mg per day. It should be taken with an acid beverage. (Your beverages are already acidified with either
vitamin C, vinegar, or hydrochloric acid.) Do not take calcium supplements if your blood value is over 9.6.
2. Methionine, 500 mg, take two, three times a day.
3. Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), 4 capsules (800 mg each) twice daily to convert bad germanium and ferric iron to good germanium and ferrous iron.
4. Ozonated water, 2 glasses a day. This detoxes heavy metals as they are mobilized from body fat and tissues and kills streptococcus bacteria. It also removes acrylic acid and acrolein.
5. Vitamin B1, 500 mg, take one, three times a day (if appetite is adequate, take one a day).
6. Vitamin B6, 250 mg, take two a day.
7. Potassium gluconate, ½ teaspoon (this is 240 mg potassium) three times a day until blood potassium reaches 4.7. Then stop. Use as salt on food. Blood potassium must be monitored at least every 3 weeks.
Day 4 At A Glance
Before breakfast One coenzyme Q10 (400 mg). Repeat parasite program, 2 tsp. black walnut tincture extra strength, 9 wormwood capsules, 9 clove capsules. Take thyroid (two grains), and vitamin A (100,000 units) plus vitamin E, 100 units. Open six glutathione capsules, six B2 capsules, three magnesium oxide capsules, nine betaine hydrochloride capsules, six vitamin B12 capsules, 25 folic acid capsules, 3/16 tsp. niacin, one 500 mg calcium capsule, six 500 mg methionine capsules, three (or one) 500 mg vitamin B1 capsules, and two 250 mg vitamin B6 capsules to make today’s vitamix. Combine bromelain or papain and powdered hydrangea and four 800 mg MSM capsules and fennel or spice and sweetening in ½ cup water. Drink.
Breakfast Take 2 gm vitamin C. Mix a third of your vitamix with part of your breakfast and gulp down. Add 15 drops of hydrochloric acid to your food, 2 Tbs. beet juice, six fennel capsules, six turmeric capsules, six drops Lugol’s afterward. Potassium gluconate has a slightly salty taste, so “salt” your breakfast with ½ tsp. if your blood test potassium is below 4.7.
Midmorning Prepare the kidney (1¼ cups) and liver (2 cups) herb concoctions to sip throughout the day. Use Zapper Digital when convenient. Empty the urine jug. If you had less than the mark, drink more liquids today and continue collecting. If you had more than the mark, continue to drink as much liquids and you can stop collecting urine. Ozonate a glass quart jar of water for about ten minutes. Drink a glassful now (no need to add hydrochloric acid).
Lunch A pint of Organic Chicken soup, 2 gm vitamin C, another third of your vitamix, 15 drops hydrochloric acid on your food, 2Tbs. beet juice, six fennel capsules, six turmeric capsules, six drops Lugol’s afterward. “Salt” with ½ tsp. potassium gluconate if your blood test is below 4.7.
Afternoon Repeat mop-up, 4 cysteine (500 mg each). Combine papain etc.
Supper Take 2 gm vitamin C. Add the final third of your vitamix, 15 drops hydrochloric acid to your food, 2 Tbs. beet juice, six fennel capsules, six turmeric capsules, six drops Lugol’s afterward. “Salt” with ½ tsp. potassium gluconate if your blood test is below 4.7.
Bedtime Finish mop-up, 1 tbs. ozonated olive oil. Do an enema.
Day 5
1. Arginine, 500 mg, take two, three times a day.
2. Inositol, 500 mg, take two, three times a day.
3. Ornithine, 500 mg, take two, three times a day.
4. Glutamic acid, one teaspoon, three times a day (increase to heaping tsp. for liver cancer).
5. Schedule blood test five days after first one if a previous result was critical, ten days if poor, three weeks later if
initial results were good.
6. Pantothenate, one teaspoon, three times a day.
7. Taurine, 500 mg, take one, three times a day.
8. Set small magnet, about 100 gauss on a ½ x 1 inch (1 x 2 cm) square of magnet cloth (see Sources); apply North side over the center of your spine, at base of neck. Tape on. Apply another one over the center of your spine just above the waist. Sit on N pole of strong magnet (1000 to 5000 gauss) for 30 minutes daily.
Day 5 At A Glance
Before breakfast One coenzyme Q10 (400 mg). Repeat parasite program, 2 tsp. black walnut tincture extra strength, 9 wormwood capsules, 9 clove capsules. Take thyroid (two grains), and vitamin A (100,000 units) plus vitamin E, 100 units. Open six glutathione capsules, six B2 capsules, three magnesium oxide capsules, nine betaine hydrochloride capsules, six vitamin B12 capsules, 25 folic acid capsules, 3/16 tsp. niacin, one calcium capsule, six methionine capsules, three (or one) vitamin B1 capsules, two vitamin B6 capsules, six 500 mg arginine capsules, six 500 mg inositol capsules, six 500 mg ornithine capsules, 3 tsp. glutamic acid, three tsp. pantothenate, three 500 mg taurine capsules to make today’s vitamix. Combine papain or bromelain, MSM, and hydrangea powder and shark cartilage. Drink at once.
Assemble magnets and apply with tape. Sit on N side of big magnet for ½ hour; you can use the Digital Zapper at same time.
Breakfast Take 2 gm vitamin C. Mix a third of your vitamix with part of your breakfast and gulp down. Distribute 15 drops hydrochloric acid on your food, 2 Tbs. beet juice, six fennel capsules, six turmeric capsules, six drops Lugol’s after meal.
Use ½ tsp. potassium gluconate as salt.
Midmorning Prepare the kidney (1¼ cups) and liver (2 cups) herb concoctions to sip throughout the day. Zap with Zapper Digital when convenient.
Ozonate a glass quart jar of water for about ten minutes. Drink a glassful now (no need to add hydrochloric acid).
Lunch Take 2 gm vitamin C. Take another third of your vitamix, 15 drops hydrochloric acid on your food, 2 Tbs. beet juice, six fennel capsules, six turmeric capsules, six drops Lugol’s afterward. “Salt” with ½ tsp. potassium gluconate.
Afternoon Repeat mop-up, 4 cysteine (500 mg each). Drink another glass of ozonated water. Combine papain or bromelain, powdered hydrangea, MSM, and shark cartilage. Drink at once.
Supper Take 2 gm vitamin C. Add the final third of your vitamix, 15 drops hydrochloric acid on your food, 2 Tbs. beet juice, six fennel capsules, six turmeric capsules, six drops Lugol’s afterward. “Salt” with ½ tsp. potassium gluconate.
Bedtime Finish mop-up, 1 tbs. ozonated olive oil. Do an enema.
Day 6
1. Amino acids, both essential and nonessential (see Sources), two teaspoons total (6 size 00 capsules), three times a day.
2. Glucuronic acid, 250 mg, take one, two times a day.
3. Wintergreen oil (natural only), three drops, three times a day. (Placed in empty capsule or on bread is the easiest way we have found to take it.) Do not exceed dosage; it can be toxic.
4. Biotin, 1 mg, take one a day.
5. Selenium, as raw coconut, ¼ of a coconut daily (see Recipes) or as sodium selenite, 500 mcg (micrograms), take six a day.
6. Niacinamide, 500 mg, take one, two times a day.
7. Oregano oil, 20 drops placed in an empty capsule, three times a day. Eat
bread with it. Brush teeth with one half drop.
Day 6 At A Glance
Before breakfast One coenzyme Q10 (400 mg each). Repeat parasite program, 2 tsp. black walnut tincture extra strength, 9 wormwood capsules, 9 clove capsules. Take thyroid (two grains), and vitamin A (100,000 units) plus vitamin E, 100 units.
Open six glutathione capsules, six B2 capsules, three magnesium oxide capsules, nine betaine hydrochloride capsules, six vitamin B12 capsules, 25 folic acid capsules, 3/16 tsp. niacin, one calcium capsule, six methionine capsules, three (or one) vitamin B1 capsules, two vitamin B6 capsules, six arginine capsules, six inositol capsules, six ornithine capsules, 3 tsp. of glutamic acid, three tsp. pantothenate, three taurine capsules, two 500 mg niacinamide capsules, six tsp. amino acids, two 250 mg glucuronic acid capsules, and one 1 mg biotin capsule to make today’s vitamix. Combine papain or bromelain, powdered hydrangea, MSM, and drink. Drink coconut beverage or add 6 500 mcg sodium selenite capsules to vitamix. Take 20 drops oregano oil.
Breakfast Take 2 gm vitamin C. Mix a third of your vitamix with part of your breakfast and gulp down. Sprinkle 15 drops hydrochloric acid on your food, 2 Tbs. beet juice, six fennel capsules, six turmeric capsules, six drops Lugol’s afterward. Use ½ tsp. potassium gluconate as salt. Have a piece of bread or empty capsule with three drops wintergreen oil. Sit on magnet.
Midmorning Prepare the kidney (1¼ cups) and liver (2 cups) herb concoctions to sip throughout the day. Zap with Zapper Digital when convenient.
Ozonate a glass quart jar of water for about ten minutes. Drink a glassful now.
Lunch Take 20 drops oregano oil. A pint of Organic Chicken soup with 2 gm vitamin C, another third of your vitamix, 15 drops hydrochloric acid on your food, 2 Tbs. beet juice, six fennel capsules, six turmeric capsules, six drops Lugol’s afterward. “Salt” with ½ tsp. potassium gluconate. Have a piece of bread or empty capsule with three drops wintergreen oil.
Afternoon Repeat mop-up, 4 cysteine (500 mg each). Drink another glass of ozonated water. Combine papain, etc.
Supper Take 20 drops oregano oil. Take 2 gm vitamin C. Add the final third of your vitamix, 15 drops hydrochloric acid on your food, 2 Tbs. beet juice, six fennel capsules, six turmeric capsules, six drops Lugol’s afterward. “Salt” with ½ tsp. potassium gluconate. Have a piece of bread or empty capsule with three drops wintergreen oil.
Bedtime Finish mop-up, 1 tbs. ozonated olive oil. Do an enema.
Day 7
1. Beta carotene, 15 mg (2400 units), once a day.
2. Thioctic acid, 500 mg, one a day. I think this tastes too bad too put in the vitamix. I suggest taking it separately.
3. Phytic acid (inositol phosphate, “IP6”), 50% solution, take 10 drops in a cup of water, three times a day before meals.
For prostate cancer add linseed (flax seed), 1 tablespoon daily. Rinse in bleach water (dental bleach is fine) to destroy aflatoxin and zearalenone. Then add a
pinch of vitamin B2 to remove benzene. Soak them in a beverage for 10 minutes; then stir into cereal or casserole dish. Or you may blend them in a blender. Do not use purchased linseed oil. Sterilize final serving.
Also take zinc gluconate 10 to 30 mg daily. For bone cancer add boron, 3 to 6 mg daily. For liver cancer add silymarin, a milk thistle product. Take two, three times a day. Also drink green bitters and raw liver cocktail (see Recipes) once a day.
For lung cancer add “lung tea”, a mixture of comfrey and mullein. Also eat one small clove of raw garlic with each meal.
Day 7 At A Glance
Before breakfast Ten coenzyme Q10 (400 mg). Repeat parasite program, 2 tsp. black walnut tincture extra strength, 9 wormwood capsules, 9 clove capsules. Take thyroid (two grains), and vitamin A (100,000 units), plus vitamin E, 100 units. Open six glutathione capsules, six B2 capsules, three magnesium oxide capsules, nine betaine hydrochloride, tsp. niacin, one calcium capsule, six methionine capsules, three (or one) vitamin B1 capsules, two vitamin B6 capsules, six arginine capsules, six inositol capsules, six ornithine capsules, 3 tsp. glutamic acid, three tsp. pantothenate, three taurine capsules, two niacinamide capsules, six tsp. amino acids, two glucuronic acid capsules, one biotin capsule, one 15 mg beta carotene to make today’s vitamix (bone cancer add 3-6 mg boron), (liver cancer add silymarin). Combine papain or bromelain, powdered hydrangea, MSM, shark cartilage, and drink. Make coconut beverage or add six sodium selenite (500 mcg) to vitamix. Check magnets for snug fit against skin. Sit on big magnet.
Breakfast Take 10 drops phytic acid in cup of water. Then take 20 drops oregano oil in capsule with bread; then take 2 gm vitamin C. Mix a third of your vitamix with part of your breakfast and gulp down. Sprinkle 15 drops hydrochloric acid on your food, 2 Tbs. beet juice, six fennel capsules, six turmeric capsules, six drops Lugol’s afterward. “Salt” your breakfast with ½ tsp. potassium gluconate. Have a piece of bread or empty capsule with three drops wintergreen oil. Take one 500 mg capsule of thioctic acid.
Midmorning Prepare the kidney (1¼ cups) and liver (2 cups) herb concoctions to sip throughout the day. Zap with Zapper Digital when convenient.
Ozonate a glass quart jar of water for about ten minutes. Drink a glassful now. (Liver cancer make some green bitters and raw liver cocktail and drink as soon as made.)
Lunch Take 10 drops phytic acid in cup water, then take 20 drops oregano oil; then take 2 gm vitamin C. Take a third of your vitamix, 15 drops hydrochloric acid on your food, 2 Tbs. beet juice, six fennel capsules, six turmeric capsules, six drops Lugol’s afterward. “Salt” with ½ tsp. potassium gluconate. Have a piece of bread or empty capsule with three drops wintergreen oil.
Afternoon Repeat mop-up, 4 cysteine (500 mg each). Drink another glass of ozonated water. For prostate cancer soak one tbs. linseed to eat with supper and take zinc gluconate. Combine papain or bromelain, powdered hydrangea, MSM, shark cartilage, and drink.
Supper Take 10 drops phytic acid in cup water, then take 20 drops oregano oil; then take 2 gm vitamin C. Add the final third of your vitamix, 15 drops hydrochloric acid on your food, 2 Tbs. beet juice, six fennel capsules, six turmeric capsules, six drops Lugol’s afterward. “Salt” with ½ tsp. potassium gluconate. Have a piece of bread or empty capsule with three drops wintergreen oil.
Bedtime Finish mop-up, 1 tbs. ozonated olive oil. Do an enema. Done With The First Week. You have now cleared your body tissues and body fat of parasites, bacteria, metals and carcinogens. Many tumors—those with thin walls around them—have been cleaned up, too. If you have been using the Topical Tumor Shrinker (for tumors close to the surface) you may have seen these shrink already. (If you are experiencing hypervitaminosis A symptoms, like rash, headache, redness, itchiness, flaky skin, you may wish to take a break from the topical treatments, and also oral vitamin A,for at least three days.)
But tumors that are hard to reach, in brain or bone marrow, or with tough coats around them have not even begun to spill their contents. This is fortunate since the vital organs need special protection from the tumor contents. It will be like opening the cages of lions and tigers at a zoo. Your special protectors will be glutathione, ozonated water, oregano oil, ozonated oil, and the parasite program. Because within the tumors, and only within them, Fasciolopsis, Ascaris, Rabbit fluke, and Clostridium are still alive!
We will next begin to drain the tumors, killing and detoxifying everything that emerges. We will start with a high dose, 12 gm, of riboflavin (vitamin B2) which will saturate the tissue around the tumor. Lower doses cannot do this. (A dose of DMSO will help the B2 penetrate and toxins get out but is not essential.) Suddenly all the toxins break free and flow out of the tumor—into your body! Aflatoxin, zearalenone and benzene are set free; asbestos and heavy metals are set free; carcinogenic plasticizers and dyes are now free; silicone from old toothpaste and duster spray is set free; acrylic acid and acrolein are set free; the malonates are now free; flukes and Ascaris are set free. We will also use a magnet to set the lanthanide metals and iron free.
The flood gates have been opened. There must be enough B2 now to combine with all the dyes, benzene, and acrylic acid, enough glutathione to protect the liver from all the aflatoxin, enough magnesium to detoxify all the phenol. There must be enough ozonated water to combine with all the metals and enough ozonated oil to kill whatever viruses escape. And, of course, all escaping parasites and bacteria must be promptly killed. Finally, there must be enough magnetic power to attract the lanthanides and the iron. After this the calcium deposits can be dissolved again with the help of phytic acid and vitamin D, letting the “digest me” flag, phosphatidyl serine, go up.
Pancreatin and lipase arrive to digest both the protein portion and the acrolein fat residue remaining. Peroxidase and catalase appear, too. This tumor has now been drained and is busy being digested. Soon it cannot be distinguished from normal tissue. Meanwhile, the more urine is produced, the faster asbestos, silicone and urethane leave the body.
If no more asbestos or dyes are eaten, you can unload one tumor-full in two to three days. During the toxic flood, vanadium will cause a globulin elevation, dyes will cause vitamin A mutations and dyes will also cause enzyme mutations that raise LDH and alk phos. Released copper, phenanthroline, and toxic germanium will lower blood iron so not enough can reach the bone marrow. So the benefit of shrinking a tumor turns into a disadvantage to your white blood cells, liver, and other vital organs who must carry the burden. We must proceed slowly. And if the LDH or alk phos rise too high, you should use IVs to help with detoxifying. Fortunately the white blood cells are regaining their power to help by “eating” everything again. This way, much less needs to be detoxified.
The liver herbs will help to send the entire toxic team on to the kidneys. And the kidney herbs will send them to the bladder. That is why you stay on these herbs as well as all the supplements. Yet the bladder will keep them tightly stuck, allowing them to circulate back into the body unless a large amount of urine is produced. The next week you must drink enough beverages to produce one gallon of urine in 24 hours.
Day 8
To make it easier to take these special high doses this week you may reduce your Day 7 vitamix to 1/3 (or one meal only).
Each vitamix now lasts three days.
1. Glutathione, 40 capsules (20 gm) in a single dose, stirred into honey. This protects the liver from the coming aflatoxin flood which then avoids a bilirubin rise.
2. DMSO, 25% in water (optional). Take one tsp. as a mouthwash, twice daily. Swish slowly over gums. Hold several minutes. Swallow for maximum effectiveness. This “pushes” your supplements into your tissues. It also helps to draw toxins out of cavitations. You may add your wintergreen drops to this mouthwash. (50% DMSO is preferred, if available.) Must be edible quality.
3. EDTA, 1/8 tsp. (750 mg) three times a day in 1 cup hot water. This chelates the heavy metals for excretion, before they can get stuck in another tissue.
4. Vitamin C, 12 gm. Take 2 gm with each meal and also between meals.
5. Vitamin B2, 40 capsules (12 gm) stirred into honey or maple syrup (sterilized) and taken in a single dose. Take these about one hour after the glutathione. This opens the tumors, even without DMSO or EDTA.
6. Ozonated oil, 1 tbs. (sterilized), taken 5 hours or more after B2. This kills viruses.
7. Black walnut tincture extra strength, 10 tsp. (or 2 freeze dried capsules four times daily, see Sources). 9 capsules cloves and 9 capsules wormwood once a day. Also take mop up cysteine and ozonated oil. This kills shielded parasites and emerging viruses.
8. Magnesium, 1 three times a day with meals. This detoxifies phenol produced from liberated benzene.
9. Exchange bromelain or papain for pancreatin (1 tsp.) plus lipase (1 tsp.). This will begin to digest (shrink) the tumors. Take twice a day.
10. Levamisole, 50 mg, take one three times a day. Kills Ascaris and keeps ferritin off white blood cells.
11. Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) 25,000 units daily, to soften tumors by removing their calcium deposits.
Each high-dose day will be followed by a lower-dose day.
Day 8 At A Glance
Before breakfast Ten coenzyme Q10 (400 mg each). (One Q10 capsule on Days 16, 18 and 20.) Take thyroid (two grains), and vitamin A (100,000 units) plus vitamin E, 100 units. Kill parasites with 10 tsp. black walnut tincture extra strength (or 2 capsules freeze dried), 9 wormwood and 9 cloves today. Take 2 gm vitamin C. Do DMSO mouthwash. Take 1/8 tsp. EDTA in water.
Take one Levamisole, 50 mg. Open three magnesium oxide capsules, nine betaine hydrochloride capsules, six vitamin B12 capsules, 25 folic acid capsules, 3/16 tsp. niacin, one calcium capsule, six methionine capsules, three (or one) vitamin B1 capsules, two vitamin B6 capsules, six arginine capsules, six inositol capsules, six ornithine capsules, 3 tsp. of glutamic acid, three tsp. pantothenate, three taurine capsules, two niacinamide capsules, six tsp. amino acids, two glucuronic acid capsules, one biotin capsule, one beta carotene to make today’s vitamix (bone cancer add 3-6 mg boron), (liver cancer add silymarin). Combine six 500 mg pancreatin, six 500 mg lipase, powdered hydrangea, MSM, and drink. Make coconut beverage and
drink or take sodium selenite, 500 mcg. Take one drop vitamin D (25,000 units). Take 40 500 mg capsules of glutathione (only 20 capsules on days 15-21) stirred into a beverage. Breakfast Take 10 drops phytic acid in cup water, then take 20 drops oregano oil, then take 2 gm vitamin C. Mix a third of your vitamix with part of your breakfast and gulp down. Sprinkle 15 drops hydrochloric acid on your food, 2 Tbs. beet juice, six fennel capsules, six turmeric capsules, six drops Lugol’s afterward. “Salt” your breakfast with ½ tsp. potassium gluconate. Have three drops wintergreen oil. Take one 500 mg capsule of thioctic acid.
Midmorning Take 40 300 mg capsules of vitamin B2, stirred into honey or sterilized maple syrup (only 20 capsules on days 15-21). Prepare the kidney (1¼ cups) and liver (2 cups) herb concoctions to sip throughout the day. Take another 2 gm vitamin C. Zap with Zapper Digital when convenient. Empty the urine jug and start collecting again. Drink more liquids today because your goal is one gallon! Ozonate a glass quart jar of water for about ten minutes. Drink a glassful now. (Liver cancer make some green bitters and raw liver cocktail and drink promptly.) Take 1/8 tsp. EDTA in a cup of hot water. Take one Levamisole, 50mg.
Lunch Take 10 drops phytic acid in cup water, then take 20 drops oregano oil, then a pint of Organic Chicken soup with 2 gm vitamin C, 15 drops hydrochloric acid on your food, 2 Tbs. beet juice, six fennel capsules, six turmeric capsules, six drops Lugol’s afterward. “Salt” with ½ tsp. potassium gluconate. Have three drops wintergreen oil.
Afternoon Take 4 cysteine (500 mg each). Drink another glass of ozonated water. For prostate cancer treat and soak one tbs. linseed to eat with supper, also take zinc gluconate. If you are getting low on organic chicken soup, make some more.
Combine pancreatin, lipase, powdered hydrangea root and MSM and drink with another 2 gm vitamin C. Take 1/8 tsp. EDTA. Take one Levamisole, 50 mg. Supper Take 10 drops phytic acid in cup water, then take 20 drops oregano oil, then take 2 gm vitamin C, 15 drops hydrochloric acid on your food, 2 Tbs. beet juice, six fennel capsules, six turmeric capsules, six drops Lugol’s afterward. “Salt” with ½ tsp. potassium gluconate. Have three drops wintergreen oil. Do DMSO mouthwash.
Bedtime Take 1 tbs. ozonated olive oil. Do enema. Sit on magnet.
Day 9
Clear the toxins that emerged from your tumors yesterday using a “low dose” of glutathione and vitamin B2. Coenzyme Q10 remains at a high dose to continue catching dyes and other toxins being released from tumors.
1. Coenzyme Q10, 10 capsules (4 gm).
2. Glutathione, 10 capsules (5 gm).
3. Vitamin C, 12 gm a day.
4. Vitamin B2, 10 capsules (3 gm).
5. Magnesium, 1 three times a day.
6. Ozonated water, 2 glasses a day.
7. Ozonated oil, 1 tbs. a day.
8. Parasite program.
Day 9 At A Glance
Before breakfast Ten coenzyme Q10 (400 mg each). (Only one Q10 capsule on Days 15, 17 and 21.) Take thyroid (two grains), and vitamin A (100,000 units) plus vitamin E, 100 units. Kill parasites with 10 tsp. black walnut tincture extra strength (or 2 capsules freeze dried), 9 wormwood and 9 cloves. Take 2 gm vitamin C. DO DMSO mouthwash. Take 1/8 tsp. EDTA. You have 2 days of vitamix leftover from Day 8, so no need to make any. Take one 50 mg Levamisole and 1 drop vitamin D. Combine pancreatin, lipase, powdered hydrangea, MSM, shark cartilage, and drink. Make coconut beverage and drink or take six 500 mcg sodium selenite.
Take 10 500 mg capsules of glutathione stirred into honey (20 capsules on days 15-21). Breakfast Take 10 drops phytic acid in cup water, then take 20 drops oregano oil, then 2 gm vitamin C. Mix a third of your vitamix with part of your breakfast and gulp down. Sprinkle 15 drops hydrochloric acid on your food, 2 Tbs. beet juice, six fennel capsules, six turmeric capsules, six drops Lugol’s after meal. “Salt” your breakfast with ½ tsp. potassium gluconate. Have a piece of banana or bread with three drops wintergreen oil. Take one 500 mg capsule of thioctic acid. (Liver cancer add silymarin.)
Midmorning Take 10 300 mg capsules of vitamin B2, stirred into honey or sterilized maple syrup (20 capsules on days 15-21). Prepare the kidney (1¼ cups) and liver (2 cups) herb concoctions to sip throughout the day. Take another 2 gm vitamin C. Zap with Zapper Digital when convenient. Empty the urine jug. If you had less than one gallon, drink more liquids today and continue collecting. If you had more than one gallon, continue to drink as much liquids and you can stop collecting urine. Ozonate a glass quart jar of water for about ten minutes. Drink a glassful now. (Liver cancer make some green bitters and raw liver cocktail and drink promptly.) Take 1/8 tsp. EDTA. Take one 50 mg Levamisole.
Lunch Take 10 drops phytic acid in cup water, then take 20 drops oregano oil, then 2 gm vitamin C, 15 drops hydrochloric acid on your food, 2 Tbs. beet juice, six fennel capsules, six turmeric capsules, six drops Lugol’s afterward. “Salt” with ½ tsp. potassium gluconate. Have three drops wintergreen oil.
Afternoon Take 4 cysteine (500 mg each). Drink another glass of ozonated water. For prostate cancer, soak one tbs. treated linseed to eat with supper. Combine pancreatin, lipase, powdered hydrangea, MSM, shark cartilage, and drink with another 2 gm vitamin C. Do DMSO mouthwash. Take 1/8 tsp. EDTA. Take one 50 mg Levamisole.
Supper Take 10 drops phytic acid in cup water, then take 20 drops oregano oil, then 2 gm vitamin C, 15 drops hydrochloric acid on your food, 2 Tbs. beet juice, six fennel capsules, six turmeric capsules, six drops Lugol’s afterward. “Salt” with ½ tsp. potassium gluconate. Have three drops wintergreen oil.
Bedtime Take 1 tbs. ozonated olive oil. Do an enema. Sit on magnet.
Day 10, 12, 14 – Repeat day 8
Continue to alternate high dose and low dose vitamin B2 and glutathione treatments. Make a quadruple batch of vitamix (12 days’ worth) for convenience. Don’t forget to go for your blood tests. Continue wearing the magnets and sitting on the big magnet.
Day 11, 13 – Repeat day 9
Day 15 To 21
Continue repeating Day 8 on even days (16, 18, 20) and Day 9 on odd days (15, 17, 19, 21), except change glutathione to 10 gm (twenty 500 mg capsules), and vitamin B2 to 6 gm (twenty 300 mg capsules) every day. This is a compromise between high and low doses in order to accomplish some of each. Also reduce coenzyme Q10 to one capsule (400 mg) except Day 19. If you were using the Topical Tumor Shrinkers, and you took last week off (because of hypervitaminosis A) you may be ready to resume (including oral vitamin A).
How Well Did You Do?
How do you know you have opened and detoxified all your tumors? Each high dose day drains one tumor, so five tumors require about 10 days. Numerous small ones occasionally open together. If you have 4 or 5 large tumors, chances are they will open one at a time; this is an advantage. You should wait till the liver and kidney have recovered somewhat as seen on a blood test (steady transaminases, GGT, and bilirubin) before opening the next one. The proof that tumors are gone is only seen on a scan. The proof that toxicity is gone is only seen on the blood test (LDH, alkaline phosphatase, globulin and iron are completely normal). This will not happen unless even small leftover bits of dyes, asbestos, inorganic germanium and anthanides have left the body. They may be stuck in the lysosomes or nucleus of the liver cells or tumor cells, still causing mutations and still keeping the blood levels abnormal. Continue the program until these tests are normal. The chance is quite good that it will happen by the 21st day!
It is time to assess the results.
1. Review your latest blood test.
2. Review a new scan.
3. Compare pain level.
4. Compare functional level, appetite, and energy.
All these results should show beginning improvement. If they did not, you reinfected too frequently with parasites or bacteria. If dental work is not complete, this could explain the bacterial reinfection. You should also assume you are reinfecting with parasites from raw unsterilized food. If you are not in absolute control of this, stop eating raw food. Start over again. Repeat the parasite killing program, plus mop-up on the same schedule as before. Assume you still have a tooth infection even if the pain is somewhere else. Find a dentist using digital X-rays to be sure there is no leftover plastic or a tattoo. If you see a suspicious site, use DMSO again as mouthwash, plus EDTA and vitamin C as before to draw out the toxins. Be sure to include the magnet therapy. If your mouth has the odor of decay, water pick for a whole day, one half hour on and one half hour off.
Stop taking any supplement that is not listed. Stop using any herb or spice or supplement from a can or bottle unless it is treated with vitamin B2 and hydrochloric acid. Stop using a cosmetic or hair dye for which you did not find a substitute. Wear no unwashed, unbleached clothing. Of course, you have been reinfecting from your own draining tumors, too, which is unavoidable. Continue the high-dose, low-dose alternating regimen for vitamin B2 and glutathione during the third week if the scan still shows the original tumors. If diarrhea occurs, reduce glutathione to half and take with meals.
Continued Care
If symptoms have subsided and the scan and blood test show improvement, continue the supplements at a reduced level of your own choosing. Half doses are suitable for a second three week period. But vitamin B2, glutathione, vitamin C, and coenzyme Q10 should be continued as in the third week, until the blood test is perfect.
Occasionally, the blood test does not become normal due to an unforeseen toxin. Lead from polluted supplements are responsible for high transaminases. Vanadium, lanthanides and dyes from dental plastic will keep globulin, LDH and alkaline phosphatase high. Reinfection with Ascaris will keep iron low. Search teeth for remaining plastic using digital X-rays. Then use DMSO and EDTA again along with magnet therapy. It is now time to focus on gaining weight. Weigh yourself twice a week. Gaining weight is the single mysterious event your body can accomplish if it is well. Only the body knows what this means. We must try to listen and hear our bodies’ requests.
Your body may crave sugar now. Your liver is not yet able to make and store sugar or change stored sugar to blood sugar. You must eat often, plenty of simple starches and fats. This means potatoes, sweet potatoes, organic grain bread, pasta, organic fruits and vegetables, and their juices. 4000 calories per day is a proper goal! Adding dairy foods (Kosher only, properly sterilized), will help you reach this.
Getting your appetite back is a very good sign. Hopefully, this happened in the first week. If not, be sure to stay on the B vitamins. Eat to gain weight. Even one pound of weight gain indicates a return of health. Digestive enzymes (see Sources) can help greatly in relieving an over-full feeling, especially when supplements take up so much “room”. Take 3 or 4 with each meal. Take them between meals, too. and hydrochloric acid helps digestion most. Do not stop using this to sterilize your food (even Kosher food). Often you must force yourself to eat, if you plan to become healthy. Use whatever tricks and entreaties work for you. Aim to gain two pounds a week after the first three week program is completed.
You have accomplished what few others have. Throw yourself a party when the last tumor is gone! And buy a truly exceptional gift for your caregiver. What if it fails? What if LDH and alkaline phosphatase keep rising? What if liver enzymes keep rising? Or any other blood value keeps worsening? This can happen if detoxification can’t keep up with tumor drainage. In spite of taking “bushels” of supplements to detoxify, it may not succeed. In this case, seek out IV therapy. Use the entire set of IVs (filtered) listed every day. Keep urine flow high. Do more enemas. It may take three weeks of daily IVs to catch up on opening tumors, but it will happen.
Many recipes in this article are not included. email me at drhuldaclark@gmail.com and I will give you the recipes by mail. Remember to Zap daily with Digital Zapper set to applicable frequencies listed in the CAFL Frequency Book
Use only Frequency Generator Digital Zappers, that have more power than the conventional Zapper and are the “Digital type Zapper” specifically outlined on page 502 in “Cure for all diseases”. Run a 10 frequency comprehensive parasite set on the Zapper Digital LCD or MHZ model in order to target the various parasitic pathogens, who live in these particular frequency ranges.
Good Health!, Dr Clark (2008)
Using Zapper Digital with any anti-cancer therapy is a sure guarantee of the greatest benefits. The Zapper can be used synergistically with all herbal treatments.
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